Walk In Covid-19 Vaccination Camp
On Thursday 8th July 2021, a one-day Covid-19 vaccination camp was organized at the office of 3DM Solutions in collaboration with Burhani Diagnostic Centre. People over the age of 18 years could walk in and receive their dose of Sinovac.
Seeing the need for more vaccination centers and the population of Karachi in dire need of getting vaccinated, 3DM Solution decided to play our part in the fight against Conid-19. We arranged a walk-in camp at our office where anyone could come, get registered, and take their dose of the Sinovac vaccine.
Fortunately, the camp went quite successful as over 50 people participated and got vaccinated. SOPs were strictly followed by everyone. While Team 3DM managed the attendees and took care of registration, the trained and professional staff of BDC injected them with Sinovac. Along with the outsiders, Team 3DM also got their vaccination shots to ensure safety at the workplace.
3DM Solution is delighted to serve the people of Karachi and we urge every to follow SOPs, get vaccinated, and stay safe!
Click on the video below to check out a few glimpses of the camp: